Seamus Fogarty – The Old Suit
Seamus explains how the EP got started: “I put a crappy drum machine, a crappier synth and a cheap guitar in a plastic bag and took myself off to a cottage in a restored famine village on the Southwest coast of Ireland to write. I came back to London refreshed, having written no songs, and went out for a few drinks with my friend Ed Dowie after which we challenged each other to write something new every two weeks. I trawled through various phone recordings I’d made while on my (non)writing trip, hoping to find some magic fragment, and I found a line about an old suit which I’d written while reflecting on the loss of my friend Willie Meighan. I wanted to make something a bit different from the album (except for Emma Smith’s strings which go on everything), so I took a chance and asked Mike Lindsey if he’d lend an ear or two and help mix and produce the track, and this is what we ended up with.”
For photos, artwork and press text for this release, please get in touch via e-mail (address below).
Seamus Fogarty
The Old Suit
Domino Records