Christian Kjellvander – A Village: Natural Light

« «A Village: Natural Light» is an album about living, loving and dying. When I listen to these songs I think about how important it is to really live your life. You know the songs that make you dream about places far far away and how they give you that urge to get up and get out? Not this time. These songs right here are about staying and riding it out. Create a life of your own, surround yourself with good people, don't let bastards get you down and make the most of what you got.» (Henry Toft)

  • Artiste

    Christian Kjellvander

  • Origine


  • Titre

    A Village: Natural Light

  • Format


  • Sortie


  • Label

    Tapete Records

  • Pour les Fans de

    Anna Ternheim, Kristofer Aström, Nicolai Dunger

  • Feuille de Présentation

    PDF [PDF, 0.84MB]

  • Contact

    Gilles Kaeser
