Immanu El – Hibernation

The last few years have been very special for the Swedish dream pop pioneers. Since the latest album release almost five years ago, the band have been touring around the world and battling a lawsuit against the state at the same time – a somewhat Kafka-esque experience that ended up with two trials and a verdict proving the band innocent almost two years later. Immanu El re-grouped in a cellar of an old regiment building, started to write new music and got Swedish Grammy nominated producer Johan Eckeborn (Jonathan Johansson/Lebensraum) on board to work with the band. When spring arrived, the boys booked a studio at the top of a hill near Florence in Tuscany, Italy and spent two weeks recording what now has become the band’s fourth album «Hibernation».

  • Artiste

    Immanu El

  • Origine


  • Titre


  • Format


  • Sortie


  • Label

    Glitterhouse Records

  • Pour les Fans de

    Caspian,ef, Joy Wants Eternity

  • Feuille de Présentation

    PDF [PDF, 259.88kB]

  • Contact

    Gilles Kaeser

