Nada Surf – Never Not Together

With their ninth studio album, Nada Surf—Matthew Caws, Daniel Lorca, Ira Elliot, and their longtime friend and collaborator Louie Lino—continue pursuing their humanistic vision of the world through hooky, catchy rock songs with sharply drawn, yet tenderly felt lyrics. Never Not Together is a wide-ranging collection of songs that revel in the group's ability to evoke and reflect grand and intricately wrought emotions, whether through sweeping guitar solos or hushed-whisper vocals.

  • Artiste

    Nada Surf

  • Origine


  • Titre

    Never Not Together

  • Format


  • Sortie


  • Label

    City Slang

  • Feuille de Présentation

    PDF [PDF, 1.21MB]

  • Contact

    Gilles Kaeser

