Odd Couple – Yada Yada

This conversation glosser-over, this blah blah, this and so on and so forth is “Yada Yada”. The album is Odd Couple’s third. And with the third album comes a third participant: the Franconian Dennis Schulze joins the couple to form a weird three-piece. While their debut „It’s a Pressure to Meet You“ had been concerned with big city postures and urban small talk, the second album “Flügge” ventured a musical criss-crossing of genre boundaries.

  • Artiste

    Odd Couple

  • Origine


  • Titre

    Yada Yada

  • Format


  • Sortie


  • Label

    Cargo Records

  • Membres

    Jascha Kreft, Tammo Dehn, Dennis Schulze

  • Feuille de Présentation

    PDF [PDF, 236.63kB]

  • Contact

    Gilles Kaeser