Bon Iver – 22, A Million

Bon Iver - the musical project led by Justin Vernon - will release its third studio album «22, A Million». The album is part love letter; part final resting place of two decades of searching for self-understanding like a religion - and the inner-resolution of maybe never finding that understanding. The album’s 10 poly-fi recordings are a collection of sacred moments: love’s torment and salvation, contexts of intense memories, signs that you can pin meaning onto or disregard as coincidence. If «Bon Iver, Bon Iver» built a habitat rooted in physical spaces, then «22, A Million» is the letting go of that attachment to a place.

  • Artiste

    Bon Iver

  • Origine


  • Titre

    22, A Million

  • Format


  • Sortie


  • Label


  • Pour les Fans de

    James Vincent McMorrow, Iron&Wine, Fleet Foxes

  • Feuille de Présentation

    PDF [PDF, 244.39kB]

  • Contact

    Gilles Kaeser