The Clang Group – Practice

It’s just a rumour that was spread around town. It said there was a star that few had ever heard of. But that few included David Bowie, Morrissey and Elvis Costello and he’d produced them all. Also, this man had a band called Deaf School and they’d inspired many other bands from Dexys Midnight Runners to Frankie Goes To Hollywood. It’s time Clive «Clanger» Langer was known by more than a few. He is a quietly-spoken, bespectacled pop wizard from North London who (with his studio partner Alan Winstanley) made Come On Eileen and what seems like a hundred hits for Madness. A little while ago our secret star had a significant birthday. «At the age of 60,» he says, «I decided to start another band. I got The Clang Group together and I achieved what I wanted. Which was to play on my 60th birthday.»

  • Artiste

    The Clang Group

  • Origine


  • Titre


  • Format


  • Sortie


  • Label

    Domino Records

  • Pour les Fans de

    Def School

  • Feuille de Présentation

    PDF [PDF, 241.58kB]

  • Contact

    Gilles Kaeser

